Thursday, November 5, 2009

Perscription Culture

Drugs have always been a part of life. There is no getting rid of them no matter if they are illegal. But that's not what bugs me. I don't care if you like to get high in your free time or deal drugs to ten year-olds. That's your prerogative. What I think can and should be changed in our society is our reliance on medications to fix every ache and pain in our bodies.
Pain is a part of life, bumper sticker rhetoric we can all agree with. People have been dealing with their physical ailments for years and they would become stronger because of it. But in our society if you get a headache you pop enough ibuprofen so that you don't have to feel anything anymore. What's so terrible about a little body ache? Yea, it sucks but you deal with it and it goes away.
The reason I feel I can speak this way is because I've never taken ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc. And I mean never. I believe I have a stronger pain tolerance because of it and when I truly do need to take a pain killer because of severe pain I will not have built up any tolerance to the medication. How convenient!
I'm not saying you never need to take drugs to fix physical ailments. We are an advance society and we should take advantage of the cures we have created through medicine. But, we do not need to to drug up for every pain in our body. Your grandma is tougher than you are. She didn't pop a pill every time her stomach felt queasy or her head pounded. No, they kept on going and fought through it. Grow a pair!

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