Wednesday, December 9, 2009

something about oprah

Ahhh… the holidays! A time of snow, Christmas cookies, family, friends, presents, childhood memories, and non-profit organizations. Giving has always been associated with the holidays, but do we volunteer during the holiday season out of love and generosity or guilt?
The only time we think about volunteering outside of November and December is if there are a required number of community service hours for school or if you got caught toilet papering, pumpkin stealing, or are a suspected terrorist and the court system gives you forty hours of community service. Either way, not a lot of teens are used to volunteering out of the goodness of their hearts when there are so many other things keeping us busy, like snowball fights, House marathons on TV, shopping on and daydreaming about singing snowman.
So, why do we tend to volunteer or give money to an organization we’ve never heard of during this season? I would bet on guilt. There are a lot of good-hearted people out there who do volunteer on regular basis because they want to be inducted into sainthood, but the majority of teens are in need of financial assistance themselves so they don’t see the purpose of philanthropy. If we are charity cases, why give to charities?
Maybe I am only speaking for myself here, but I’m guessing that there are some other people out there that also feel guilty for not being as charitable as Oprah. What’s so great about Oprah anyways!? So, she gives a lot of money to poor people. That’s because she has a ton of money. She is literally one of the richest people in the world, and I don’t see her solving world hunger. Oprah is worth 2.7 billion dollars. I am worth about 1, 300 dollars. So what do I have to donate in ordered to be equal to Oprah, since I can’t start a school in Africa. Here is the math: Oprah earns roughly about 275 million dollars a year and she donates about 50.2 millions dollars a year. That is about 18% of her income. OK, that’s kind of a lot, but that’s less than 2% of her net worth. So, since I’m worth 1,300 dollars I could donate 2% of my wealth which is about 26 dollars and be semi-equal to Oprah. That’s doable.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What the world doesn't need now.

A few things the world would be better without...
-Rust. I think it looks cool when things decay, but I feel bad for my car. It's not very old and it has already started to rust. Rust must be the wrinkles in the world of technology and metal, and I don't want any cars to feel less attractive.
-Cookies. I love them, but if I never had one before I would not miss them and I therefore wouldn't eat a dozen a day. Plus that way we could give Santa something like broccoli and then he wouldn't be fat. If Santa were in good physical shape, the reindeer would not have to work so hard because right now its borderline animal abuse.
-Treadmills. What is the point when you can run outside. If you're dedicated enough, you'll go outside. If you're not dedicated, then you won't but you probably have a treadmill/coat rack so what's the difference anyways. I just have a hatred for them, and that weird imbalanced feeling you get when you take your first steps off... ugh.
-High Heels. They do make a woman's butt look good, but what true purpose do they serve? I mean they were created for a man... Girls don't like being very tall anyways, so why do we feel the need to add 5 inches every time we "go out". Ah! what am I saying I love high heels... but my feet would be in better condition if I wore shoes with more support.
-Ear Buds. I miss the gigantic head phones we used to use. They were more comfortable and had better quality sound. Now, I'm too embarrassed to walk around with giant earmuffs. If they were in style I would very much appreciate it. So, lets throw out ear buds and rock the old school head phones.
-Plastic. It kills the environment, and its not like we use it that much anyways....
-Men. Haha, totally kidding. I am no feminist. Both sexes are equally needed.
-Synthesizers. No good music has ever come from that stupid machine. Prove me wrong.
-Nail guns. What's so difficult about pounding in nails by hand. Nail guns have been used too much as accidental weapons. That is a very gross way to die, and it should not have an opportunity to create more victims.
-Mosquitoes. Seriously! What purpose do they serve? Other than spread diseases and being a portion of a spider's diet. I don't really have any info on them, I'm just assuming. But if they do serve some natural purpose I'm sure we can create a man-made alternative so that we don't have to live with mosquito bites anymore. Have you ever seen a cloud, and then looked closer and realized that it was a swarm of mosquitoes? If so, then you understand my hatred.
-Shutters. They no longer serve any purpose on houses. Literally, they have no purpose other than decoration. They are attached to the side of the house! Its just pointless.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Despite the fact that we betrayed the indians....

I still love Thanksgiving. It's origins may be complete lies, and that peaceful meal may have ended in betrayal but it's the thought that counts, right??
Every year, because of that "meal" between the pilgrims and Indians, families across the nation get together and celebrate all that is good in their lives.
Other reasons why thanksgiving rocks:
-the rolls (put a little butter on those delicious Pillsbury dinner rolls and there is no need to ever eat anything else in your life)
-seeing cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc. that you don't get to see for months at a time
-a day when all you are required to do is eat and sleep, is the all around perfect day
-cheesy potatoes
-Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade
-a lot of really good movies come to theatres
-everyone has a food baby
-no school
-green bean casserole
-a day when you actually remember to be grateful
-black Friday sales
-seven layer salad (if you have never experienced this... you have not lived)
-no work (unless you work at a movie theater or a restaurant)
-another day to be proud to be an American (suck it Canada!)
-mashed potatoes and gravy
-you can feel the love radiating from your family and the turkey
-no ham! just turkey
-this is the perfect day to ask anyone for a favor, because we are all willing to boost our karma
-there are so many more, and I only have so much time

Overall, don't disrespect this beautiful holiday because of it's bleak origins.
Appreciate it for what it is meant to represent: peace and love between all people despite race, gender, nationality, previous feuds, etc.
Embrace it and appreciate all that you have been blessed with.
And you all have something to be thankful for, no matter what terrible things may be going on in your life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gender Bonding

So, I was watching I Love You, Man last night. When it got to the part where Sydney is appalled that Peter would ever bring a girl golfing, I asked the guys I was with why that was such a terrible thing. They did the whole, "psh, that's guy time. when we just do guy stuff." At first I was slightly offended but then when I started to think about it, I can see that it is totally understandable.
Males and females are totally different beings. No matter how boyish of a girl you are, or how feminine of a man you are there still are fundamental differences that the other sex just can't understand. It only makes since that these different creatures need to separate every once and awhile, and just let out natural behaviors run rampant.
I still don't agree that males have dubbed golfing, bowling, video games, jamming out, and many other sports as "guy time". Because women can physically golf and may even be good at it. But it is perfectly logical that they would want some male bonding time to gossip and make dirty jokes. Females have the same type of rituals, but they involve more things like alanis morissette, shopping, cosmo, and nail polish.
The whole process has evolved throughout the years. It used to be way more divided, back before that whole women's rights movement. Now at least there are bowling leagues of both sexes and pro golf for women. I wouldn't mind being invited to a round of nine holes with my guy friends, but I don't want the genders to blend too much more. It's nice to be one with your species and just feel totally at peace with your natural habits. I like being boyish and going skateboarding, cracking dirty jokes, video games, etc. but every once in awhile I like to revert back to my natural state: put some high heels on, wear too much eyeliner, listen to shania twain, and dance.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hygiene Habits

So, I've been reading the book Choosing Civility for LA105. Other than being extremely redundant and obvious it isn't terrible. Recently I got to the chapter titled "Mind Your Body" which is all about proper basic grooming is essential to being civil and having good manners. I personally think a lot of what the author was calling taboo, shouldn't be anymore.
Our generation has become more improper but in a good way. We don't expect perfection, we seem to understand that we are all humans with natural instincts. I like the way we have progressed. I don't want to go back to a society where "we offend people with our bodies", as the book states.
Some of the suggested hygiene habits are still important like having clean teeth, clean body and fresh breath. I don't expect everyone to have "finger- and toenails in perfect order", and a close shave is not necessary in our society where the scruffy look is totally in. Also it states that all grooming should be done in private. Never pick your teeth, scratch at your nose, stick your finger in your ear, spit, sniffle, chew you fingernails, etc. in public. Psh, I'm going to do what I want when I want. Why does this have to be taboo. We all do it, so why hide it?
Some things like farting and burping, I think are better placed in private. But, if it happens it's not a huge deal. Acceptance is key.
It is better to be clean, odor-free, and unrumpled but if you're not in perfect order, I will not think less of you. And I'm sure your doctor will forgive you if you don't take a second shower before coming in for your appointment, like this lovely novel suggests.
Why do people still insist to keep the bar at perfection? Go ahead and burp in public, I'll love you more because of it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Perscription Culture

Drugs have always been a part of life. There is no getting rid of them no matter if they are illegal. But that's not what bugs me. I don't care if you like to get high in your free time or deal drugs to ten year-olds. That's your prerogative. What I think can and should be changed in our society is our reliance on medications to fix every ache and pain in our bodies.
Pain is a part of life, bumper sticker rhetoric we can all agree with. People have been dealing with their physical ailments for years and they would become stronger because of it. But in our society if you get a headache you pop enough ibuprofen so that you don't have to feel anything anymore. What's so terrible about a little body ache? Yea, it sucks but you deal with it and it goes away.
The reason I feel I can speak this way is because I've never taken ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc. And I mean never. I believe I have a stronger pain tolerance because of it and when I truly do need to take a pain killer because of severe pain I will not have built up any tolerance to the medication. How convenient!
I'm not saying you never need to take drugs to fix physical ailments. We are an advance society and we should take advantage of the cures we have created through medicine. But, we do not need to to drug up for every pain in our body. Your grandma is tougher than you are. She didn't pop a pill every time her stomach felt queasy or her head pounded. No, they kept on going and fought through it. Grow a pair!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Book smart vs. Intellectual

When someone is considered smart, that can mean two things. Firstly it could mean: that they excel in school or a certain subject, will get a good degree from a prestigious school, and go on to a professional job. Secondly: they could be a person that picks up information from anything and everything, and has a huge wealth of knowledge. I would like to label these: being book/career smart and being an intellectual.

Everyone, probably, considers one of the "smarts" better than the other, but it varies depending on your goal/path in life. For me, I would prefer to be an intellectual. I would rather be wise and live an average, lower income job and be philosophical at my own times; than spend half of my life in school and compete the rest of my life to remain "smart".

I love knowing random facts about Charles Manson, popcorn and pop culture. And I feel that intelligence derived from culture, living life, philosophy, and libraries is more applicable to life than intelligence gained in a lecture hall. Both are important to living a successful and therefore happy life. So, one really shouldn't be praiseed over the other.

Sadly though, it seems that many people don't deem it necessary to be cultured because their life paths don't require them to know more than what will benefit them professionally. That's no way to live. Spend some time in the library or on the internet acquiring knowledge about the world. Not just your world, but the world that lays outside your classes this semester and the degree you'll receive in a couple years. And you may find that having a larger more cultured intelligence, helps in your studies and profession. Then you'll be able to have interesting conversations with strangers about the parole of Charles Manson.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

i hate to bring up this topic, but...

Miley Cyrus.
I know, everyone likes to rant about her. Until just recently I was on a neutral standpoint about her. She is very annoying, but she seemed to be a good role model for young girls. And the next generation of women need a good role model otherwise they are going to be small whores right from the start. Pardon, my language. Then, a few days ago I saw her new video for that terrible piece of music called "party in the USA" and I decided to recant my neutral viewpoint.
She knows her audience is a bunch of 8-13 year old girls so why is she dancing around in short shorts and her bra hanging out. I don't care if someone her age does that, it's not that big of deal. But I do not want to see a bunch of pre-pubescent girls running around like that. It's bad enough they listen to all that rap music that encourages slutty behavior, but when a role model who has been deemed "children friendly" decides to do that I lose a lot of respect for that person and their image.
Maybe if her music was good, it might redeem her..... but that's a different story :)
All in all, our generation needs to produce good role models for the next generations. We can already see the effects on ourselves of the music we listened to. Our morals are looser and our clothes are smaller. Whatever, that's culture, right? But we can change culture. And we're at the point where if it gets any more vulgar... I actually don't know what will happen. But I would like to reel it in a little bit. Don't get me wrong: I don't mind swearing, I love the styles of now, I don't see what's wrong with people partying, etc. I just don't want to see all of that become a prudish behavior.
And I would like to blame everything on Miley Cyrus.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The true rules of shotgun

The history of “Shotgun” goes back to the days of the Wild West. Back then they had covered wagons, and it was necessary to protect the wagon from Indians and mean-tempered cowboys. For protection someone would sit next to the driver and hold a shotgun. This has evolved into the ritual known as “Shotgun” and is practiced before most car rides.

There are many ways to play but everyone knows the game. The fight for the most coveted position in the car is determined by on single word, Shotgun. The only problem with this "game", or some may call it a lifestyle, is that the rules are not the same in different places and according to different people. This can all be fixed if everyone plays according to the Official Shotgun Rules, which can be found at

The creators of the rules find the battle for shotgun no laughing matter. “Shotgun is a living entity and be aware that it is always changing for the better good of society,” said Joshua Pearson, co-creator of the Official Shotgun Rules. They may always be changing, but as of right now these are the official rules: the person must call “Shotgun” loud enough for at least one other occupant of the car to hear and to be able to call “Shotgun” the person has to be outside the building. Some people play that you must see the car to be able to call "shotgun" but they would be incorrect.

Now that we all know the rules, some people may be asking why is this so important and to them I say, umm DUH! the passenger seat means you have the most leg room, you get to control the radio (which is one of the most important things in life), reclining seats!, and of course you have the privilege of being surrounded by airbags.

I hope I have enlightened all of your lives.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Numero Cuatro

Topic of the week:
Best Halloween Candy

I may be 18 going on 19, but I still love trick-or-treating. I figure if I have a good enough costume, people won't be able to tell how old I am, and most people are willing to give you candy if you actually put effort into your outfit. So, yes I will still try and go trick-or-treating this year, but that's not the issue.

I want to discuss what the goal is of the evening, which is of course candy. As much candy as possible. My friends and I are hard core when it comes to getting as many sweets as possible. But I'm not going to divulge my secrets. I will tell you what my favorite items are to receive on All Hallows' Eve night. For me, it's those little packages of sour patch kids. There's only like five in a package, but if I am able to acquire six of those that's at least 30 pieces of sour patch!! Those are also hard to trade for sense almost everyone likes those, but I am always willing to trade a prime piece of Reese's or whatever your favorite chocolate bar is. Keep that in mind, if you go trick-or-treating.

But, anyways back to the loot. One thing I despise getting are those black and orange taffies. No matter how recently they have been purchased, they look like the person fished them out of their 50 year old Halloween bag that was in the back of their closet. And you can't sell those pieces of candy away. I'm also not a fan of getting icee pops or any kind of ice cream, it may be a creative thing to give out but after freezing my butt off for four hours that is the last thing I want to eat.

Now, I don't mean to be rude but Mequon seems like a pretty ritzy area. And ritzy areas tend to give out large candy bars or several other pieces of candy. Which means this year may be an epic year. EPIC.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

St. Vinnie’s, the Holy Grail

This week I would like to share my favorite pastime: thrifting. If you are a person that only shops at Abercrombie, American Eagle, or whatever brainwashed “fashion trend” the Man is feeding youth these days, then you may not enjoy the true fashion hunting that is involved with thrift stores.

OK, maybe I shouldn’t start off by insulting 90% of my audience. Plus, I don’t want to be a hypocrite because I’m sure I have an American Eagle sweatshirt hidden somewhere in my closet from eighth grade. Let me start anew. Thrifting is not just a way to spend your hard earned paycheck; it is an adventure. I can spend hours sifting through thousands of shirts, pants, dresses, jackets and shoes in assorted styles, eras, and colors just to find the “One”. The “One” is that magical item that is sans shoulder pads and stains, has come back into style, and fits perfectly. I can count the number of days on one hand that I have found multi-magical items, those days will live in my memory as glorious… forever. You may be thinking that is too much work just to find some clothes, but its not just about finding an outfit. Thrifting takes effort, but it is also a spectacle of fun, kind of like a scavenger hunt.

Thrift stores such as Bethesda, Saint Vincent de Paul (better known as Vinnie’s and is my paradise), or Yellowjacket have unpredictable hours and are in the weirdest locations, so that is a journey in itself. Then there are the hours of exploring through awesomeness, trying wacky outfits on, taking pictures in prom dresses from the eighties, playing with semi-broken toys, relaxing in used Lazy-boys, etc. The best part is feeling like you accomplished something when you finally get to the check out and only pay $3.11 for two dresses, a pair of moccasins, and a fur coat. If the idea of wearing someone else’s clothes grosses you out, there is always the huge assortment of books and music, jewelry, furniture, and other random mishmash.

I’m hoping I may have swayed you to experience the thrill of bargain hunting at its most extreme. But if you are still a little leery, then I have a program that will slowly emerge you into the underground fashion culture. First, start off at a place like T.J. Maxx where you will learn to bargain hunt. Next, go to Style Exchange and learn to shop by size instead of going straight for the first cute shirt you see; also at a place like that you can exchange your old clothes for money and then go shopping. Third stop is at Goodwill, which is the most commercial of the thrift stores, and is the easiest to learn your way through if you are a thrifting newbie. After that you are prepared to step into any thrift store: Bethesda, Manna for Life, Fox Annie’s Closet, etc. Finally, if you think you are ready, go to the Holy Grail and experience pure bliss.

Need a sled? Does your Backstreet Boys C.D. have a scratch in it? Only have five dollars to buy a prom dress? Moving our of your parents’ house soon? Go thrifting!!!